Historical Design

Lounge Chairs & Ottomans

Pair of lounge chairs and ottomans Mod. "Royalton"
Polished cast aluminum front feet resting on three maple wood back feet
New Pierre Frey velvet upholstery
DESIGNER Philippe Starck (1949) MANUFACTURER Driade COUNTRY Italy
DATE 1991 DIMENSIONS H. 111 x W. 100 x L. 119 /cm
H. 44 x L. 60 x D. 60 /cm
BIBLIOGRAPHY Repertorio del Design Italiano, Giuliana Gramigna Vol.II, pg. 446 (illustration)
Meubles et Decors des Années 80, Anne Bony, Editions du Regard, pg. 55 (illustration)
SPECIAL NOTE Philippe Starck designed the Royalton chair for New York hotel The Royalton in 1991